
Various options to change the plugin's messages and more

# Wards Lang
# You must restart for changes to take affect when editing this file!
# =========================================================
    entered: "{player} &7entered your ward {ward}"
    exited: "{player} &7exited your ward {ward}"
    expired: "&7Your ward {ward} has expired"
    pick_up: "&7You took your guard {ward}"
    cooldown: "&7A cool-down is active, wait a few seconds"
    limit: "&7Your reached your limit of wards: {limit}"
    pick_deny: "&7Only the owner can pick up the ward"
    player_not_exits: "&7That player doesn't exist"
    owner_deny_remove: "&7You can't remove the owner of this ward"
    teleport_cooldown: "&7You 'll be teleported in {cooldown} seconds&7. Dont move!"
    teleport_cancelled: "&7Teleport cancelled"
    no_perms: "&7You don't have enough permissions to do that"
    no_space: "You don't have enough space in your inventory"
      onCmd: "&7You received {amount} {type} &7wards"
      info: "&8- &9/wards give [type] [player] &8 - &7Gives the a ward of the selected type for yourself or the given player"
      onCmd: "&7You received {amount} potions of {duration}s"
      info: "&8- &9/wards potion [duration] [type] [player] &8 - &7Gives the a potion to the given player of the given type and the given duration"
      name: "&9Wards potion"
      lore: "|&8- &7Duration: &9{duration}||&7Drink this special potion|&7to make yourself invisible|&7to enemy wards for|&7a given time."
      drink: "&7You are now invisible to enemy wards"
      expire: "&7You are now visible to wards"
      info: "&8- &9/wards list [player] &8 - &7Prints all the wards of yourself or given player"
      info: "&8- &9/wards help &8 - &7Shows the plugin's help"
      info: "&8- &9/wards reload &8 - &7Reloads the plugin"

Last updated

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