Commands & permissions

A simple explanation to use the plugin commands

General Information




/wards give [type] {player}

Gives an specific type of ward to a player or yourself

wards.give wards.give.others

/wards list {player}

Opens a gui displaying all the wards of yourself or the given player

wards.list wards.list.others

/wards potion [duration] [type] [player]

Gives a custom potion of the given type an duration to yourself or the given player


/wards help

Displays messages with the available commands and their usage

/wards reload

Reloads all the plugin's configuration


Bypass all permissions


All the Wards commands start with the same label. This label however, has a few aliases -/w -/wa

Wards Teleport

With the gui that prompts when using the /wards list command, you are able to teleport to the selected ward safetly. To allow this, the player needs the permission wards.teleport

Wards Limit

In case you want to limit the amount of wards a player can place, then give them the permission wards.limit.x with x being the limit as an integer

Last updated

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