All Features

An explanation of all the features of the plugin

Items Price

Items have two types of prices, one to buy and one to sell. You can set the price to the number you want, with the exclusions of 0 and -1. If the price is set to -1 players will not be able to sell/buy the item. If the price is set to 0, it means that is free.

You can also set range of prices for an item, which will take a random value between the given range at each occurrence of the item.


This feature allows you lock a certain quantity of an item for a certain price. Players won't be able to change the quantity of the item.


One the most exciting features of the plugin. It allows you to mimic a real shop with a certain amount of the item in stock. There are two variables:

The stock of the item is share to all players, meaning that if a player purchases the item, the stock will decrease for himself and the rest of the players

Usefull when you want players to compete for the item.

Permissions per-Item

This features allows you to add individual permissions per items that players need to purchase/sell this item.


This feature allows you to run commands when the item is purchased instead of receiving the item.

Bundle (Premium)

This a feature that lets you buy a set of several items for a given price. For example, you can create a bundle named beginner's kit with an iron sword, iron chesplate, boots ...etc and for $ 500 the player will receive all the items.

Rarity System

This feature allows you to add weight to the items and make some items appear less than others. Rarities will determine how ofter an item will appear in the daily store, the lower the percentage, the less likely it is to appear.

Unavailable rarity will cause the item to never appear in the shop. It was implemented as it could be useful if you want an item to only be purchased on a bundle/package.

All these rarities can be translated in the lang.yml file.

Economies (Premium)

You can change what economy is use to give/withdraw money per item.

Supported economies: gemsEconomy, tokenEnchants, tokenManager, MPoints, PlayerPoints, UltraEconomy

Last updated