All the items are represented with an ID that is used internally by the plugin for numerous tasks. You can create a valid key here. Both options are valid, just make sure not to copy the same id in two different items.
Also don't worry if it is between quotes or not, it will work both ways.
This is the name of the shop where all the items will be added.
If the shop doesn't exist, a new shop with that name will be created, so you can create new shops too with the parser.
Inside this category you will find all the values to configure the shop gui.
This is the name of the gui, supports color codes.
The size of the gui inventory. The maximum is 54 and the minimun 9. If a wrong number is given it will default to 27.
Here are all the items of the Shop Display. The slot represent the position of the item in the gui. If the position is greater that the shop size the item will be ignored. Also you can set Actions to
The name is the display name of the item, it supports colors. It's not mandatory.
This is the lore of the item, it support colors. It's not mandatory.
This is the material of the item. It is mandatory and has to be a valid material, check the list of materials.
This the quantity of the item. If not specified, it defaults to 0. Some dailyMetada can override this such as set and stock.
This are the enchantments of the item. It is not mandatory and has to be a valid enchantment, check the list of all enchantments.
DailyShop Meta
This are all the meta that allows you configure the dailyShop features.
This is the buy price of the item. If you do not include this option, the default is -1, meaning that the item cannot be purchased. The format for range prices is minPrice:maxPrice.
This is the sell price of the item. If you do not include this option, the default is -1, meaning that the item cannot be sold.
This option represents the stock of the item. The format is TYPE:AMOUNT. Where type can be GLOBAL or INDIVIDUAL and the amount is the default stock.
This option represent the amount for the set feature.
The permission needed to buy the item
The permissions need to sell the item.
The commands executed when this item is purchased.
This option represent all the keys of the items that are included in this bundle.
This represent the rarity of the item. It has to be a vaild rarity key.
This represents the economy used for this item. The the format ECONOMY:CURRENCY. Where ECONOMY is a valid economy key and CURRENCY is the currency used in multiCurrencies economies such as gemsEconomy. For singleEconomies like PlayerPoints just leave CURRENCY empty
A boolean representing if the confirmGui is activated
Lets you perform actions when an non daily item is clicked. Only usefull on display_items. It has to be a valid key. The format is KEY:DATA.
This is the value that represents where the item is placed on the inventory. Only usefull on display_items.
Marks the item as an AIR item. Only usefull on display_items.
Custom NBT
All the metadata that is not collected withing the above along with custom metadata is tagged under nbt. This allows to change some tags from custom items such as vouchers or MMOItems and advanced item meta.
Last updated
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